The Tamil Nadu government’s state school education Department is looking for volunteers to work in the education’s Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme. The scheme is aimed at addressing the learning gaps among school students. Under this, after school hours, learning activities are conducted daily from 1 to 1.30 hours by teachers and volunteers.
Under this scheme, full-time volunteers offer six hours per week and part-time volunteers offer training once a week/fortnightly/once a month.
1. Must know Tamil to converse with children
2. Need to teach Tamil, English, and Mathematics. Training and equipment will be provided.
3. Should participate voluntarily, without coercion
4. Must be at least 17 years old
1. Visit the website
2. click on Volunteer Registration
3. Fill out the upload form with basic information, educational and professional details, address, etc.
4. In the basic information section, fill in the full name, gender, date of birth, mobile number, WhatsApp number, email, and Aadhaar number
According to the government, 34,05,856 government school students in more than 92,000 residences of the state are acquiring learning skills under this scheme. Those who have passed the Teacher Eligibility Test will be given priority. Further, 2,381 temporary special teachers for LKG and UKG classes in 2,381 Anganwadi Centers located within Panchayat, Union Primary, and Middle School campuses will also be given priority. Often, these temporary teachers are said to be appointed for a maximum period of 10 or 11 months. However, similar appointees in the past have remained on the job for years.
Applications can be submitted here.
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